These commentaries are designed to challenge what you may have been taught. Many were written by those helping to translate and correct our Bible.
We have our own Bible commentaries section because our translation removes spurious words, passages, and misleading terms. This often affects how certain Bible teachings should be understood. However, if you are looking for doctrines, you’ll be disappointed! We’re not a religion; nobody is claiming that these are absolute truth. On the contrary, they reflect a variety of views, and some opinions even conflict with each other.
See how to submit a commentary. Also see our translator notes.
- A Lesson in Humility
- A One-Woman Man
- Adoption as God’s Sons
- A good example of bad Bible chronology
- Ancient Egyptian Law and Eminent Domain
- Are homosexuals ‘eternally damned?’
- Are the Jews Still God’s ‘Chosen People’?
- Armageddon - When?
- Babylon the Great
- Baptism
- Being an Honest Judge
- Biblical Significance of 120 Days/Years
- Book of Enoch, The
- Caesarea Philippi
- Called and Chosen
- Choosing by Lottery
- Christian Forgiveness and Repentance
- Christian Morality
- Christians to Preach What?
- Church, Congregation, Synagogue, or Called Ones?
- Circumcision
- Coming, Presence, or Nearness?
- Corruption
- Dark Ages, The
- Day of the Lord, The
- Dead Faith
- Dedicated to Destruction
- Demons
- Did Aaron Personally Make the Gold Calf?
- Did Jesus have fleshly brothers and sisters?
- Did an Angel Want to Kill Moses?
- Does God Exist?
- Does salt become weak?
- Does the Bible Promise Everlasting Life?
- Does the Bible teach an immortal soul?
- Dogs in the Bible
- Do the laws against homosexuality in Leviticus 18 apply today?
- Earning a Living from Religion
- Eating Jesus’ Flesh and Drinking His Blood
- Eating Meat and the Bible
- Eating with Unwashed Hands
- Faithful and Sensible Slave, The
- False Anointed and False Prophets
- False Brothers
- First Horsemen of Revelation Six, The
- Friends of the World
- Hebrews 1: Does Paul claim the Psalm says that Jesus is Jehovah?
- Hereafter, The
- Holiday Celebrations
- Hope of All Creation, The
- How King David Pictured Jesus
- How Large was Nineveh?
- How long was the period of the Judges?
- How severe were 1st-century restrictions against the Divine Name?
- How the first Christian Churches were organized
- How to Maintain Your Spirituality
- Image of Daniel Chapter 2, The
- Importance of Being the Firstborn, The
- Incest
- Internal Proofs of Bible Authenticity
- Is Isaiah 24 speaking of Armageddon?
- Is Jesus God?
- Is There a Burning Hell?
- Israel’s Sin Over Meat?
- Is the Devil a real person?
- James the Half-Brother of Jesus
- Jerusalem and the ‘Israel of God’
- Jews, Christians, Muslims, and the Bible
- Job,
- John
- Judging Your Brothers
- Judging the Angels
- Judging the Twelve Tribes of IsraEl
- Judgment Day
- Man of Lawlessness
- Mark
- Mark 7:19 – Eating unclean things?
- Mark of the Beast, The
- Mary from Magdala
- Meaning of Psalm 45, The
- Meeting the Lord in the Air
- Mentions of the ‘Last Days’
- MichaEl the Archangel
- Moon Worship in the Pre-Islamic Middle East
- Moses’ Sin at the Rock
- Moses’ Wife
- Must Christians Agree on Everything?
- Nahum, a prophet to the Kurds?
- New Covenant, The
- Nicolaitans
- Noble Bereans, The
- Numbers 17: Why Were IsraEl’s Leaders Afraid of Dying?
- Passover and The Lord’s Evening Meal
- Pharisees
- Poem: Animals our Wards
- Poor Widow
- Powers of God’s Holy Spirit, The
- Prayer
- Problem with Setting Bible Historical Dates, The
- Proof of Virginity
- Purim
- Rapture, The
- Religious Titles
- Removing ‘the Wicked’ from the Congregation
- Resurrection, The
- Revelation 12:9 – The dragon’s ‘messengers’
- Rich Man and Lazarus, The
- Sacred Mystery of the Seed, The
- Science and Inspiration
- Scriptural Commentaries
- Scriptural commentaries
- ‘Seed’ – God’s Kingdom, The
- Sending Away of the Foreign Wives, The
- Septuagint-based Bible Chronology
- Servants
- Seven Congregations, The
- Seventy Weeks
- Shasu
- Similarities Between the Exodus and the Events of Revelation
- Sin of Aaron’s Sons, The
- ‘Sit at my right hand’ – when?
- So-called ‘three kings’, The
- Sons of God
- Spirit Rulers of Persia and Greece
- Spiritual Jews
- Spiritual Milk
- Spiritually ‘dead’, The
- Star of Raiphan
- Ten ‘Lost’ Tribes of IsraEl
- Theocracy
- Timeline of Jerusalem’s Kings
- Time of Difficulty
- Trinity Doctrine, The
- Was Jonah swallowed by a ‘Whale’ or a ‘Large Fish?’
- Was Joseph also ImHotep?
- Was Moses alone on the Mountain with God?
- Was Peter the first Pope?
- What did Jesus look like?
- What did Paul mean by ‘seated together in the heavens?’
- What does it mean to be saved?
- What is Righteousness?
- What is Truth?
- What is anointing?
- What is apostasy, and who are apostates?
- What is the ‘Disgusting Destroyer’?
- What is the Kingdom?
- What is the ‘New Jerusalem’ in Revelation?
- What is the Scroll of Life?
- What is the Tree of Life?
- What is the ‘ransom’?
- What was Manna?
- What was the ‘potter’s field’?
- When Humanity is in Charge of the Earth
- Where did Cain get his wife?
- Where was the ChoBar river?
- Who Are ‘The Other Sheep’ of John 10:16?
- Who Are the Sheep and the Goats?
- Who are the Anti-Christs?
- Who are the ‘Gods’ at Psalm 82:1?
- Who are the ‘two witnesses?’
- Who is the paracletos?
- Who or What is The Word?
- Who was Jesus?
- Who was Pharaoh during the Exodus?
- Who wrote the letter to the Hebrews?
- Why Did HaMan Hate MordecAi?
- Why did God require animal sacrifices?
- Why did Jesus reject the demonized man as a disciple?
- Why did the Divine Name fall out of general use by the early Church?
- Why most Bible chronologies are wrong
- Wild Animals of Daniel Seven
- Wild Animals of Revelation, The
- Will Resurrected Ones Marry?
- Will the people of Sodom be resurrected?
- Woman and Her Seed
- Worship Him in Spirit and Truth–