This is a scriptural commentary submitted by a volunteer or a volunteer translator. It’s not an official view of the 2001 Translation project. We are not a religion and we do not establish doctrine. These commentaries reflect a variety of views and some disagree with each other. Anyone can submit a commentary (see requirements).
Paul wrote at 1 Corinthians 6:3:
‘Also, don’t you know that we’re going to judge the angels? And if so, then how much more the things of this life!’
People often use this verse to argue that those that are chosen for heavenly life as God’s sons will be elevated above all of God’s messengers (his other heavenly sons, or angels), except Jesus.
Is this a correct understanding? Perhaps not. Consider these facts:
1. At Luke 20:36 we read:
‘Though the sons of this age marry and are given in marriage, those that have been found worthy of that age and the resurrection from the dead won’t marry or be given in marriage, nor can they die anymore; For they’ll have the power (Greek: dynantai) of the angels, since, as sons of the resurrection, they [will also be] sons of God.’
2. Revelation 5:10 says:
‘Then you made them rulers and Priests to our God, and they will rule as kings on (Greek: epi) the earth.’
So, if they are just to have the power of God’s angels and their rulership is to be just on the earth, then why are they described as judging God’s messengers (or angels) at 1 Corinthians 6:3?
Well, notice that the Greek word krinoumen (translated as ‘judge’ in 1 Corinthians 6:3) can also mean condemn. Since Revelation 12:7-9 shows that the heavens will be cleansed of wicked angels, then it may be that the angels whom Christians are to judge/condemn are the same ones in Revelation 12:9. These will be thrown out of heaven down to earth before they are locked in the abyss and thereafter destroyed.