This is a scriptural commentary submitted by a volunteer or a volunteer translator. It’s not an official view of the 2001 Translation project. We are not a religion and we do not establish doctrine. These commentaries reflect a variety of views and some disagree with each other. Anyone can submit a commentary (see requirements).
The real import of Jesus’ observation about the poor widow whom he said contributed more to the Temple treasury than all the others, is often distorted in its application.
We usually hear this account told as the story of ‘the Widow’s Mite.’
And this story is used to show that people can have God’s blessings even when they are unable to contribute much in His service due to their advanced age and/or poor circumstances.
And while that is true;
There is a large difference between what the widow did here and what people usually do in their public service to God.
Notice that this story isn’t about serving God in a public way.
Rather, it has to do with a very private act…
Contributing financially and secretly to support His place of worship.
In this case, only Jesus and God knew what she did and what her circumstances were.
However, when it comes to our serving God, many others usually know what we are doing, and some expect praise for that.
The true lesson of the story is this:
Do what you know is right, and then trust in God (who looks on in secret) to provide blessings and the things that you need.
Notice that this widow contributed ‘her whole means of living.’
So, she did what she believed was right, and she was trusting in God with her whole heart to provide even her next meal.