This is a scriptural commentary submitted by a volunteer or a volunteer translator. It’s not an official view of the 2001 Translation project. We are not a religion and we do not establish doctrine. These commentaries reflect a variety of views and some disagree with each other. Anyone can submit a commentary (see requirements).
Throughout the Bible we find references to ‘the Day of Jehovah,’ and ‘the Day of the Lord’ (Jesus).
Are both of these references speaking of the same period?
There appears to be no conflict;
In fact, it could be that the wording in each case should always read, ‘Day of the Lord,’ since we question whether the Divine Name was originally ever used when speaking prophetically of this event.
However, even if both God and ‘the Lord’ are spoken of in connection with this day, there is still no conflict. For notice what we are told in the Revelation, when it is speaking of the beginning of that Day (at Revelation 12:10):
‘Now has come the salvation and the power,
As well as the Kingdom of our God;
For His Anointed has now been empowered,
And the accuser of our brothers has been cast down,
Who blames them before God day and night!’
As you can see; the purposes of that Day are tied together.
For the establishment of God’s Kingdom (with the battle in heaven and the ouster of the Opposer and his messengers) and the empowering of Jesus (the Lord) to begin his rule, appear to be simultaneous.
So, will the things spoken of in the Revelation happen before ‘the Lord’s Day’ begins?
No, for notice that the book starts out with the words (at Revelation 1:10),
‘Through the Breath [of God] I found myself in the Lord’s Day.’
Therefore, we must assume that all the things mentioned in the Revelation will happen DURING the Lord’s Day.
Then, what are some of the things to look for that will lead up to that Day?
Well, one of the first signs mentioned is the ouster of the Opposer and his messengers from heaven (see Revelation 12).
This is followed by the destruction of ‘The Great Babylon’ (See Revelation 17, 18).
Then in rapid succession comes the wedding reception of the Lamb, the Battle of Armageddon, and the resurrections (see Revelation 19, 20).
And at the end of the Lord’s Day, we read that the Opposer will be released from the abyss for a short time, which leads to the battle against Gog of Magog … And this is followed by the descent of ‘New JeruSalem’ to the earth and the making of the ‘new land and new sky’ (see Revelation 21).