The 2001 Translation

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2001 Translation


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    1 Corinthians

    Aramaic update planned: This book will soon be updated to reflect all the differences found in the Aramaic manuscripts, since this book may have been originally written in Aramaic. They will be marked with this symbol: [Syr] Our translation is created by volunteers, and we are always correcting and refining the text. Learn what [brackets] and other insertions mean.

    About this book A letter from the Apostle Paul to the congregation in Corinth, Greece.It was likely penned by a secretary on behalf of Paul, perhaps by Sosthenes. It was probably originally written in Aramaic, and dates from around 48 CE.


    1Paul, who by the Will of God is a called Apostle of the Anointed Jesus, and [your] brother Sosthenes, 2to the congregation of God in Corinth; to you who’ve been made holy in the Anointed Jesus and who are called to be Holy Ones along with all those who call on the name of our Lord Jesus the Anointed everywhere (their Lord and ours):3May you receive loving care and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus the Anointed.4I always thank God for you, because in His loving care (through the Anointed Jesus), God has given you 5everything that you need to make you rich in Him. [He’s given you] all the words and a complete knowledge, 6while the testimony about the Anointed One is being made firm in you.7Therefore, you haven’t lagged behind in any gift as you eagerly await the revelation of our Lord Jesus the Anointed, 8who’ll make you strong to the end and keep you free from any accusations to the Day of our Lord Jesus the Anointed. 9For God, who called you to have a share with His Son (our Lord Jesus the Anointed), is faithful.10Now, through the name of our Lord Jesus the Anointed, I want to encourage you brothers to all be united in purpose. There shouldn’t be any divisions among you. Rather, you must all be completely united in mind and will.11For those of the house of Chloe have told me that you do a lot of arguing, my brothers. 12What I mean is, some of you are saying, ‘I follow Paul,’ or ‘I follow Apollos,’ or ‘I follow Cephas,’ or ‘I follow the Anointed One.’ 13And by this, the Anointed One is being divided. Paul wasn’t hung on a pole for you, was he? Or were you immersed in the name of Paul?14I’m thankful that I didn’t immerse any of you (other than Crispus and GaiUs), 15so that no one can say that they were immersed in my name. 16Oh yes, I also immersed the household of Stephanas... But as for the rest, I don’t think that I immersed anyone else, 17because the Anointed One didn’t send me to immerse [people], but to preach the good news.[And I wasn’t sent] with many wise words, because that would make the Anointed One’s impaling pole less important. 18For the message about the impaling pole is just foolishness to those who are dying… But to those of us that are being saved, it’s the power of God.19As it’s written:‘I’ll destroy the wisdom of their wise, And the understanding of their discerning, I’ll hide.’ [Isaiah 29:14]20So, where are all the wise men? Where are all the writers? Where are all the great debaters of this age?Didn’t God make the world’s wisdom foolish?21And since the world doesn’t understand the wisdom of God, He saw that it was good for us to preach foolishness in order to save those who would believe! 22So while the Jews ask for signs and the Greeks search for wisdom, 23we preach the Anointed One as having been hung on a pole.[Of course], this is a trap to the Jews and a lot of foolishness to the gentiles. 24But to those who are called (both Jews and Greeks), the Anointed One is the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25Because [even] a foolish thing from God is wiser than men, and [even] a weak thing from God is mightier than men.26Now, notice this about your calling, my brothers:Not many were called who were wise in a fleshly way, Not many were called who had power, And not many were called from important families.27Rather, God chose the foolish things of the world to put its wise men to shame; He chose the weak things of the world to put the mighty to shame; 28And He chose the common things of the world and the things that are looked down on; The things that aren’t [prominent] – in order to make the things that are [prominent], worthless.29The reason why He did this was so that no flesh can boast before God. 30And, since you’re in the Anointed Jesus, he’s become God’s wisdom to us, as well as His righteousness, His holiness, and our ransom.31As it’s written:‘Whoever boasts; let him boast about Jehovah!’ [paraphrase of Jeremiah 9:23]


    1So when I came to you, brothers, I didn’t bring you the mysteries of God with high-sounding words of wisdom. 2In fact, I decided not to teach you about anything other than Jesus the Anointed, and about how he was hung on a pole. 3I came to you as weak, afraid, and trembling.4And what I said and preached wasn’t done with persuasive wise words, but with Spirit and power, 5so you wouldn’t believe because of the wisdom of men, but because of the power of God.6Yes, we do use wisdom when we’re speaking to those who aren’t mature… But not the wisdom of this age or that of the rulers of this age who are coming to nothing. 7Rather, we speak God’s wisdom as a mystery (hidden wisdom), when it comes to the things that God planned for our glory long before this age arrived.8This is the type of wisdom that none of the rulers of this age understand; because if they understood it, they wouldn’t have lifted up our glorious Lord [to be executed].9As it is written:‘Eyes haven’t seen and ears haven’t heard, Nor have the hearts of men even thought of the things That God has prepared for those who love Him.’ [Isaiah 64:4]10Yes, these are the types of things that have been revealed to us by God’s Spirit, because His Spirit searches through all things… Even through the deep things of God.11For just as no man really understands another man better than the spirit within him; nobody understands the things of God better than the Spirit of God.12And this is why we don’t really have the spirit of this world… Because we’ve received the Spirit that comes from The God, through which we can understand the things that He’s so kindly given to us. 13Therefore, we don’t speak with words that come from human wisdom. Rather, we’re taught by the Spirit in spiritual ways that communicate spiritual things to us.14For physical men don’t recognize the Spirit of The God, because these are just foolishness to them and they can’t understand them, since such things can only be understood spiritually. 15However, because a spiritual man can judge everything, no one can pass judgment on him.[As the scripture says:]16‘Who can know the mind of Jehovah And who’s become His advisor?’ [Isaiah 40:13]And we now have the mind of the Anointed One.


    1However, brothers, I can’t talk to you as I would to spiritual men. Rather, [I must speak to you] as I would to fleshly men (as babies in the Anointed One).2For I’ve had to feed you milk, not solid food, because you weren’t strong enough… And you’re still not strong enough, 3since you’re still men of the flesh! For whenever you’re jealous and arguing, aren’t you fleshly… Aren’t you acting like men of the flesh?4So when one of you says, ‘I follow Paul,’ and another says, ‘I follow Apollos,’ aren’t you [proving yourselves] to be men of the flesh? 5For, what is Apollos and what is Paul?[We’re just] servants through whom you became believers, since you were each given to us by the Lord!6Yes, although I planted and Apollos watered, it’s God who makes it grow. 7So the one who plants is nothing and the one who waters is nothing, for it’s God who makes it all grow!8However, those who plant and those who water will each be rewarded for the work that they’re doing. 9Understand that we’re just God’s field hands, while you’re God’s field and God’s house! 10It was only through the loving care of God that I was assigned to be a wise chief craftsman.
    So although I laid the foundation, someone else is actually doing the building… And he must keep an eye on how he’s doing his building, 11because no one can lay a foundation other than the one which has already been laid, Jesus the Anointed.12Now, whether someone builds on that foundation using gold, silver, and precious stones, or with wood, hay, and stalks, 13[the quality of] his work will show up and be seen in the daytime, since it’ll be exposed by fire… And that fire will prove what kind of work each one has done.14Then, if his construction remains, he’ll be rewarded. 15But if his construction burns down, he’ll be damaged by the loss… Although he will still be saved. However, it will be as if he came through fire.16Don’t you know that you’re God’s temple sanctuary? For God’s Breath is dwelling within you! 17And if someone should destroy God’s Most Holy, God will destroy him… Yes, you’re God’s Holiest of Holies!18Therefore, don’t try to fool yourselves, for if you’re thought of as being wise in this age, then you should become morons in order to be [truly] wise.19Recognize that the wisdom of this system of things is just silliness to God.As it’s written:‘He catches the wise in their cunning deeds.’20And again:Jehovah knows what wise men think, [and their thoughts] are useless.’ [Psalm 94:11]21Therefore, nobody should boast about [being followers of] men, since everything already belongs to you, 22whether [it came from] Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or from this system of things, or from life, or from death, or from what’s here or what’s about to come…All of this already belongs to you!23Rather, you belong to the Anointed One, and the Anointed One belongs to God.


    1Therefore, you should think [of us] as just the Anointed One’s assistants [or in Greek, galley rowers], and as housekeepers of God’s mysteries. 2And when it comes to housekeepers, all that’s required of them is just to be found faithful!3Now, it really isn’t too important to me if I’m being judged by you, or by some human court… For I don’t even judge myself, 4since I’m unaware of anything against myself.However, this doesn’t mean that I’m righteous, because Jehovah is my true judge.5So, recognize that we shouldn’t be judging anything before its time.
    For when the Lord’s Day arrives, the secret things that are done in darkness [will be brought] into the light and the secret thoughts of hearts will be put on public display… Then each ones’ commendations will come from God.6Now brothers, if I’ve overstated these things about Apollos and me, I’ve done it for your own good so that you’d learn the rule:Don’t go beyond the things that are written!And don’t get all puffed up by showing more favor for the one than for the other!7[After all,] who really knows us… And what do we have that wasn’t given to us? So since these things were just given to us, why should you be boasting over things that you received as gifts?8Are you already satisfied?Are you already rich?Have you started ruling without us?Oh, I wish that you had already started ruling so that we could be ruling along with you! 9For I think that God has put us (the Apostles) last on display as men who are condemned to death…Yes, we’ve become theatrical spectacles in this world to both men and angels!10Yet, while we’re viewed as fools because of the Anointed One, you’re wise in the Anointed One… We’re weak, but you’re strong… We’re dishonorable, but you’re the glorious ones.11Why, down to this very moment, we’ve been hungry, thirsty, almost naked, beaten up, homeless… 12and we’ve had to work for a living.But when we’re being shouted at, we praise; when we’re being persecuted, we bear it; 13and when we’re being slandered, we offer encouragement.Yet until now, we’ve been considered the world’s refuse and scum!14Understand that I’m not writing this way to shame you, but to teach you as my beloved children. 15For although you could have thousands of tutors in the Anointed One, you don’t have many fathers… And since I [am the one who] became your father in the good news through the Anointed One, 16I beg you to start imitating me!17This is why I’m sending Timothy to you.He’s my loved son, and faithful in Jehovah. He will remind you of my ways that I’m teaching in all the congregations everywhere, through the Anointed Jesus.18Now, I know that some [of you’ve become] all puffed up as though I weren’t coming to you. 19But I’ll be there shortly (if Jehovah desires it), and I won’t pay any attention to what those who are puffed up have to say. Rather, [I’ll pay attention] to their power, 20because the Kingdom of God doesn’t have anything to do with words, but with power.21So... Which would you prefer?Should I come to you with a stick, or with a loving and mild spirit?


    1However, I’ve actually heard that there’s sexual immorality among you, and it’s a type of immorality that isn’t even [heard of] among the gentiles… That someone has taken his father’s woman!2Are you proud of this?Shouldn’t you mourn instead, and shouldn’t the man who committed this act be removed from your midst?3Although I’m not there physically, I am there in spirit, and I’ve already judged the man who’s done this thing as though I were there.4My spirit and the power of our Lord Jesus agree that 5in the name of our Lord Jesus, you should hand such a man over to the Opposer for the destruction of his flesh, so that the spirit within him may be saved in the Day of the Lord.6There’s nothing for you to boast about here!Don’t you know that a little [yeast] ferments the whole ball [of dough]?7So, you must clean out the old fermentation in order to become something that’s new and unfermented! For since the Anointed One (who is our Passover) has already been sacrificed, 8we shouldn’t be observing this Festival with old fermentation or with the fermentation of badness and wickedness, but with the unfermented bread of sincerity and truth!9Didn’t I write you in my [last] letter and say that you must stop associating with those who are sexually immoral? 10[Of course, I wasn’t telling you to] completely avoid the immoral [people] of this system of things, or the greedy, or the extortionists, or the idol worshipers… Otherwise, you’d actually have to get out of the world.11But I’m writing to you now to tell you this:Stop associating with anyone called a ‘brother’ who is sexually immoral, or greedy, or an idol worshiper, or shouts insults, or is a drunk, or an extortionist… Don’t even eat with people like that!12Indeed, how much can the judgment of outsiders mean to us when you aren’t judging those who are in your midst? 13For God is going to judge those on the outside… But you should expel any among you who are wicked!


    1Would any of you who think you’ve been [wronged] by another dare to take it to court [to be tried by] unrighteous men, rather than by the Holy Ones? 2Don’t you know that the Holy Ones will judge the world? So if you’re going to judge the whole world, aren’t you qualified to judge small matters?3Also, don’t you know that we’re going to judge the angels? And if so, then how much more the things of this life!4Or would you rather bring them before those whom the congregation views with little regard?5I’m saying this to shame you!For isn’t there at least one wise man among you who can [serve as] judge between his brothers? 6Or must a brother take a brother to court to be judged by unbelievers?7Really, if you’re bringing lawsuits against each other, you’ve already lost the battle! Why wouldn’t you rather allow yourselves to be mistreated or defrauded? 8Yet, some of you are in fact mistreating and cheating others… Including your own brothers!9Don’t you know that the unrighteous won’t inherit the Kingdom of God?Don’t make any mistakes about this: Sexually immoral people, Idol worshipers, Adulterers, The perverted, Men who have sex with men, 10 Greedy people, Thieves, Drunks, Insulters, and Exploiters[Syr]...won’t inherit God’s Kingdom.11And that’s what some of you once were! However, you’ve been washed clean, you’ve been made holy, and you’ve been found righteous through the name of our Lord Jesus the Anointed and by the Breath of our God.12Yes, everything is legal for me, although not everything is good for me... And even though everything is in fact legal for me, I won’t allow anything to become my master.13For example: Food is for the belly and the belly is for food. However, God is going to bring [both] to nothing.The same is true of the body… The body isn’t for sexual immorality, it’s for the Lord, and the Lord is for the body. 14Therefore, just as God raised our Lord, He will use His powers to raise us.15Don’t you know that your bodies are all a part of the Anointed One? [And if this is so,] should I take one of the Anointed One’s body parts and give it to a whore?Never!16For anyone who joins himself to a whore becomes one with her body, since [God] said:‘The two will become one flesh.’ [Genesis 2:24]17Understand that those who share his Spirit are really in the Lord, 18and this is why you should flee from sexual immorality!Now, every other sin that a man commits is outside of his body; but when he has immoral sex, he’s sinning against his own body! 19And don’t you realize that your bodies are the temple sanctuary of the Holy Breath within you which you received from God?So you no longer belong to yourselves, 20since you were bought and paid for.So you must use your bodies to glorify God!


    1Now, concerning those things that you wrote to me about [when you said]:‘It’s best for a husband to not touch [his] wife.’2However, [I say,] because of all the immorality, each man should be allowed to have his own wife and each woman her own husband. 3Then every man should give his wife what she’s due, and every woman should do the same for her husband.4Wives don’t have authority over their own bodies, their husbands do, and men don’t have authority over their own bodies, their wives do. 5So you shouldn’t deprive each other, except for set periods that you may agree on to devote time to prayer… Then you may come together again. No – don’t allow the Opposer to tempt you by your lack of self control.6However, this is just my opinion, not a command.7I wish that all of you were just like me! However, everyone has his own gift from God, and each in a different way. 8So I’m telling unmarried people and widows that it’s best for them to be like me. 9But if they don’t have self-control, let them marry, because it’s better to marry than to burn with passion.10To married people I give this warning (not really me, but the Lord):A woman shouldn’t leave her husband.11But if she does, she must either remain unmarried or make up with him… And the men shouldn’t leave their wives.12To the rest I say this (yes me, not the Lord):If any brother has an unbelieving wife that agrees to live with him, he should never leave her. 13And if a woman has an unbelieving husband that agrees to live with her, she shouldn’t leave him, 14because the woman makes [her] unbelieving husband holy, and the brother makes [his] unbelieving wife holy. Otherwise, their children would be unclean… But now they’re holy.15However, if the unbelieving one wants to leave, let him go, because a brother or a sister isn’t a slave to such matters, since God has called us to peace.16But woman:How do you know that you won’t save your husband?Man:How do you know that you won’t save your wife?17Except, go on in the same way that God gave to you when Jehovah called you. That’s the command I give in all the congregations.18Has a circumcised man been called? Then he shouldn’t act like someone who’s uncircumcised.Has an uncircumcised man been called? Then he shouldn’t be circumcised.19For being circumcised doesn’t mean anything, and being uncircumcised doesn’t mean anything either – [what’s important] is obeying God’s commandments! 20So it doesn’t matter what state you were in when you were called… Just stay that way!21Were you called when you were a slave?Don’t let that bother you… But if you can become free, seize the opportunity, 22because anyone in the Lord who was called [when he was] a slave has already become a free man in the Lord.And anyone who was free when he was called has become a slave of the Anointed One. 23So, since you’ve already been bought and paid for, stop becoming slaves to men!24Therefore, brothers, it doesn’t matter what condition each [of you] were in when you were called… Just stay that way, living to God.25Now, when it comes to virgins, I don’t have any commands from the Lord. However, I’ll give you my own opinion (as one who by the Lord’s mercy, has been faithful):26I think that it’s best for anyone who’s had a reason to stay one way, to continue as he [or she] is. 27[For example], are you tied to a wife? Stop trying to get free! Are you free from a wife? Stop searching for a wife! 28However, even if you marry, you aren’t sinning. And if a virgin marries, she hasn’t sinned.Remember that those who [marry] will have fleshly problems, and I’m just trying to save you [from this].29Let me say this, brothers… The season has been shortened! Therefore:Let those who have women act as though they have none; 30Let those who are crying act like those who don’t cry; Let those who are rejoicing act like those who don’t rejoice; Let those who are buying act like those who own nothing; 31And let those who are using this system of things act like those who don’t use it… Because the ways of this world are about to change.32[You see], I don’t want you to worry about anything. A single man worries about the things of the Lord and winning His approval, 33while a married man worries about worldly things and winning his woman’s approval… So he’s divided.34Also, single women and virgins just worry about the things of the Lord… About how they can be holy in their bodies and the type of people who they are on the inside. However, a married woman must worry about worldly things and winning the approval of her man.35Now, I’m just describing the best situation… I’m not trying to ‘hang’ you, I’m just trying to move you to do things that work out well and sit well with the Lord, and which won’t distract you.36But if anyone thinks his virginity isn’t working out and he’s past the bloom of youth, this is what should happen:Allow him to do whatever he wishes, for he isn’t sinning if he marries! 37However, if someone is settled in heart, doesn’t have any [sexual] needs, has self-control, and has decided in his heart to keep his virginity, he’ll do better.38Yes, although the one who gives up his [or her] virginity and marries does well, the one who doesn’t marry does better. 39For a woman is tied down as long as her man’s alive. But if her man falls asleep [in death], she can marry whomever she wants (but only in the Lord).40However, in my opinion she’ll be happier if she stays [single]… And I consider myself as having God’s Spirit.


    1Now, regarding things that have been sacrificed to idols:We realize that everyone knows something [about this]… However, knowledge puffs up, while love builds up. 2So if anyone thinks he already knows everything about this, he doesn’t really understand it as well as he should yet… 3And God knows those who truly love Him.4Yes, when it comes to eating food that has been offered to idols, we know that this world’s idols aren’t real; there’s no God but the [true] One... 5And although there are some who are called ‘gods’ (whether heavenly or earthly, for there are many ‘gods’ and many ‘lords’), 6we only have one God –the Father– from whom everything came, and we’re in Him.There’s also just one Lord, Jesus the Anointed; everything is in his hand, and we are in his hand too.[Syr] [see translator note]7However, not everyone fully understands this yet. For up until now, some [Christians] have followed the practice of [buying and] eating food that’s been [previously] sacrificed to idols… And this has damaged their consciences and made them [spiritually] weak. 8But understand that what we eat doesn’t really affect our standing with God; so if we choose not to eat [food that was previously sacrificed to idols], we aren’t sinning… Nor will we be blest if we eat it.9But be careful that this power of yours doesn’t become a trap to those who are [spiritually] weak!10Because, if anyone sees you (the one who knows) dining in an idol’s temple... {Look!} Won’t the [spiritually] weak one’s conscience be emboldened to eat what’s sacrificed [to idols]? 11And then, because of your knowledge, this [spiritually] weak man –your brother, for whom the Anointed One died– may be lost [back to idol worship]! 12If you sin against your brother in this way and assault his weak conscience, you are [in fact] sinning against the Anointed One.13Therefore, if food is a trap to my brother, I’ll won’t eat [such] meat throughout [the rest of] the age, so that I won’t turn myself into a snare for my brother!


    1Am I not free?Am I not an Apostle?Haven’t I seen our Lord Jesus, and aren’t you my works in the Lord?2If I weren’t an Apostle to all the rest, I certainly am to you, because you’re the seal that confirms my Apostleship in the Lord!3So I say this in my defense before those who would judge me:4I can eat or drink whatever I wish, 5and I could also take a sister as my wife [if I wished], as did the other Apostles, the Lord’s brothers, and Cephas (Peter).6And are BarNabas and I [the only Apostles] that should have to work for a living? 7For, who serves as a soldier at his own expense? Who plants a vineyard and doesn’t eat its fruit? And who shepherds a flock and doesn’t drink some of the [sheep’s] milk?8Is this just human reasoning, or doesn’t the Law tell us the same thing? 9For it’s written in the Law of Moses:‘You must not muzzle a bull when it’s threshing the grain.’ [Deuteronomy 25:4]So does God just care about bulls, 10or didn’t he say that for all of our sakes? Really, it was written for all of us, because the man who plows ought to plow in hope, and the man who threshes ought to do so in hope of eating [the grain].11Therefore, if we’ve planted things of the Spirit within you, is it such a big thing for us to harvest things of the flesh from you? 12And if the people you work for are benefiting from your efforts, shouldn’t we [benefit] from them even more?Yet, we haven’t really used the [full] authority that we have, for we’ve been taking care of ourselves so that we don’t get in the way of the good news about the Anointed One.13Don’t you know that those who serve in the Temple also eat the things that are [contributed], and that those who serve at the Altar also share in the things that are sacrificed there? 14So the Lord meant for those who preach the good news to be provided for by means of this good news.15However, I haven’t used any of these provisions, and I’m not writing this so that will to happen to me… For I’d rather die than allow someone to take away my reason for boasting!16Now, there’s no reason for me to boast when it comes to preaching the good news, because it’s something that I must to do… In fact, woe to me if I don’t preach the good news!17For if I do this willingly, I’ll receive my wages. However, if I don’t do it willingly, it’s still my assignment.18Therefore, what’s my reward?It’s my ability to preach the good news free of charge.And by doing this, I’m not abusing the authority that I have in the good news, 19which leaves me free from being indebted to anyone. Yes, I’ve made myself a slave to everyone so that I can gain more.20I became a Jew to Jews, so I could gain Jews;I became as under the Law to those who are under the Law (although I’m not under the Law), so I could gain those who are under the Law;21I became like someone who’s without the Law to those who aren’t under the Law (although I’m not without law towards God, and I’m under the law of the Anointed One), so I could gain those who are without the Law;22And I became weak to those who are weak, so I could gain the weak.Yes, I’ve become everything to everyone and used every means to save some of them, 23doing it all for the sake of the good news, so that I might share it with others!24Don’t you know that even though everyone who [enters a] race in the stadium must run, only one gets the prize?So, run to win!25Also, every fighter has to maintain full control of himself just to win a garland that rots away… But we’ll receive something that doesn’t rot.26As a result, I’m not running timidly nor am I just swinging my arms; I’m boxing! 27I beat my body and treat it like a slave, so that after I’ve preached to others, I won’t be rejected!


    1Now, I don’t want you to miss this point, brothers:Our ancestors were under the cloud and they all passed through the sea, 2so they were all ‘immersedinto Moses because of the cloud and the sea.3Also, they all ate the same food from [God’s] Spirit, 4and they all drank the same spiritual drink, because they drank from the spirit of the rock… And that rock was the Anointed One.5However, because God wasn’t pleased with most of them, He left [their bodies] spread across the desert.6Now, things like this should serve as examples to us, so we won’t become people who desire bad things as they did… 7We don’t want to become idol worshipers, as some of them did!Notice that it’s written:‘The people sat down to eat and drink, and then they got up to play.’ [Exodus 32:6]8So we shouldn’t commit sexual immorality as some of them did, because 23,000 of them fell in just one day! 9Also, we don’t want to put Jehovah to the test as some of them did, because they were destroyed by snakes. 10Nor do we want to complain as some of them did, because they were killed by the destroyer!11Recognize that the things that happened to them [should serve as] examples to us, for they were written as warnings to us upon whom the end of the age has arrived.12So let those who think they’re standing be careful that they don’t fall! 13For none of you have faced any temptations yet, other than the things that are common to all men.And since God is faithful, He won’t allow you to be tested beyond what you can bear… For with every temptation, He provides a way out, so you can hang on.14However, my loved ones, flee from idol worship!15And since I’m talking as I would to people with good sense; figure out for yourselves whether the things that I’m saying here are the truth.16Now when we [say a] blessing over the cup of blessings, aren’t we sharing in the blood of the Anointed One? And when we break the loaf, aren’t we sharing in the body of the Anointed One?17So although there are many [of us], there’s just one ‘loaf’… therefore, we’re all one ‘body’, since we all eat from that same ‘loaf.’ 18And like in fleshly IsraEl, don’t those who eat the sacrifices also share some of it with the Altar?19So, what am I saying? That idols are anything? Or that things sacrificed to idols are anything?20No, I’m telling you that whatever the nations offer as sacrifices are really being offered to the demons, not to God… And I don’t want you to become sharers with the demons! 21For you can’t drink from the cup of the Lord and from the cup of demons, nor can you eat at the table of the Lord and at the table of the demons.22We aren’t trying to make the Lord jealous, are we?We aren’t mightier than he is, are we?23Recognize that although everything is legal [to eat], not everything is good for us [to eat]… Yes, everything is legal, but not everything makes us stronger. 24So let’s not just be watching out for our own interests, but [for the best interests] of others.25The fact is, you can eat whatever’s sold at the meat markets without it bothering your consciences, 26for the earth and everything in it belongs to the Lord. 27And if an unbeliever invites you [for a meal] and you wish to accept, you can eat whatever is set before you and not let it bother your consciences.28But if someone should say, ‘This was offered as a sacrifice,’ then don’t eat it.You should do this for the sake of the one who said that, because of conscience… 29Not your conscience, but that of the other person.But [you might ask], ‘Why should I let anyone else judge my freedom? 30If I’m eating thankfully, why should I be slandered over something for which I’ve given thanks?’31Well, whether you’re eating, drinking, or doing anything else, you should be doing everything for God’s glory!32So you shouldn’t want to do anything that would stumble Jews, Greeks, or the Called Ones of God. 33And this is why I’m trying to please everybody in everything and not just doing what’s best for myself… I’m [trying to do] what’s best for others... So I can save them!


    1I’m asking you to imitate me as I’m [imitating] the Anointed One.2I also want to praise you for remembering me and all the things that I’ve given to you, as well as for holding onto the things that I taught you.3However, I want you to recognize this: The head and origin of the woman is the man, The head and origin of every man is the Anointed One, and The head and origin of the Anointed One is God.4So, every man who prays or prophesies with something on his head shames his head and origin. 5And every woman who prays or prophesies without something on her head shames her head and origin, for it’s the same as if her head was shaved.6Indeed, if a woman doesn’t wish to cover her head, she should have her hair cut off. But if cutting her hair short or shaving her head would shame a woman, then she should cover her head.7However, a man shouldn’t cover his head, since he [was created in] the image and glory of God, while a woman is the glory of man. 8For the man didn’t come from the woman, the woman came from the man. 9Also, the man wasn’t created for the woman, the woman [was created] for the man.10So, that’s why the woman should have [a sign of] authority on her head… As well as [for the sake of God’s] messengers.11Yet there really isn’t any difference between males and females in the Lord. 12For as the female came through the male, the male came through the female… Although everything really comes from God. 13So, judge it for yourselves – is it appropriate for a woman to pray before God with no covering?14Well, doesn’t physical nature teach us that if a man has long hair it dishonors him, 15but if a woman has long hair it glorifies her? Yes, because women were given hair to act as a covering.16However if anyone wants to argue about this, well, we have no such custom, and nor does the congregation of God.17But when it comes to your meetings, I’m not praising anyone, for they seem to be doing more harm than good!18First of all, I hear that when you meet as a congregation, there are divisions among you… And I believe that’s partly true, 19because there has to be strife among you in order to clearly identify those who are approved.20Therefore, when you meet up on the Lord’s day, you don’t eat and drink in a fitting way. 21[I hear that] some of you [bring your own meals] and eat before others do, while others go hungry – and some are drunk!22Don’t you have homes where you can eat and drink? Or are you condemning the congregation of God by shaming those who don’t have anything?What should I say to you? Should I praise you for this?No, I don’t praise you!23Let me tell you something that I received from the Lord, and which I want to share with you:The Lord Jesus (on the very night that he was going to be handed over) took a loaf, 24and after giving thanks he broke it and said:‘This is my body that I’m giving for you. Keep on doing this in remembrance of me.’25And after the meal he did the same thing with the cup, saying:‘In this cup is the blood of my New Sacred Agreement. Keep on doing this… And as often as you drink it, think of me.’26Therefore, as often as you eat from the loaf and drink from the cup, you’ll keep proclaiming the death of the Lord until he arrives.27But recognize that anyone who eats the loaf and drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy condition will also be judged by the Lord’s body and blood. 28So each person should examine himself before eating from the loaf or drinking from the cup. 29For those who eat and drink unworthily are eating and drinking condemnation upon themselves if they don’t recognize that this is [not ordinary food and drink, but] the Lord’s body!30This is why so many of you are [spiritually] weak and unhealthy… And quite a few have ‘fallen asleep!’31Understand that if you would judge yourselves, you wouldn’t have to be judged. 32But [if you leave that] judgment to the Lord, you’ll have to be disciplined so that you aren’t condemned along with this system of things!33Therefore, my brothers, when you come together to eat, wait for each other. 34And if anyone is hungry, let him eat at home, so you don’t meet for judgment.As for the rest of the matters, I’ll straighten them out when I get there.


    1Now brothers, I don’t want you to be ignorant when it comes to spiritual things. 2For you know that when you were impious, you were led to be followers of dumb idols.3But I want you to understand that nobody speaking through the power of Jehovah’s Breath can say that Jesus is cursed; likewise, nobody can say that Jesus is Lord, except by Holy Spirit.4For no matter how many types of gifts there are, they all come from the same Breath. 5And no matter how many types of services there are, [they all come from] the same Lord. 6So, although there are many ways in which it manifests [itself], they all come from the same God who provides the outworking of everything for each person, 7so that each man has the Breath revealed and given [to him] in order to help him.8Therefore, via the same Breath, one person is given words of wisdom, while someone else is given words of knowledge. 9It gives words of faith to some, while others get the gift of healing, 10or the ability to perform powerful deeds, or of prophesying, or of distinguishing different spirits, or of speaking different languages, or of interpreting the languages…11Yet, they all come from the same Spirit, which works in many ways (as it wishes) through each person.12So, just as the body is a single thing that has many members, and all the members (while being many) make up that one body… This is how the Anointed One is. 13For through the same Spirit we were all immersed into that one body, whether we’re Jews or Greeks, slaves or free men… And we were all made to drink from this same Spirit.14Therefore, you should understand that this body isn’t just one part, but many. 15So if the foot should say, ‘Because I’m not a hand, I’m no part of the body,’ that doesn’t mean it’s no part of the body.16And if the ear should say, ‘Because I’m not an eye, I’m no part of the body,’ that doesn’t mean it’s no part of the body either.17For if the whole body were just an eye, how would it hear? And if it could just hear, where would the sense of smell be?18Therefore, God has placed each part in the body as He pleases. 19For if all parts were the same, how could there be a body?20So understand that although there are many body parts, there’s just one body. 21The eye can’t say to the hand, ‘I don’t need you,’ nor can the head say to the feet, ‘I don’t need you.’22And notice that the weaker each body part seems to be, the more it is needed.23For the body parts that we consider the least honorable are those which we surround with the most honor. And our unattractive parts were made more attractive 24because our attractive parts don’t need any help.When God assembled the body, He gave more honor to the parts that have less 25so that there would be no divisions in the body, and all the parts would show the same loving care for each other.26As a result, if one body part suffers, all the other body parts suffer along with it. Or if a body part is glorified, all the other body parts rejoice along with it.27Therefore, you should realize that you’re all the Anointed One’s ‘body’ and ‘body parts,’ 28and that God has designated each of your places in the congregation… First the Apostles, second the Prophets, and third the teachers. Then come [those with] powerful works, or the gifts of healing, or performing helpful services, or the ability to direct, or speaking different languages.29Not all are Apostles, are they?
    Not all are Prophets, are they?
    Not all are teachers, are they?
    Not all can perform powerful works, can they?
    30And not all have the gift of healing, or can speak different languages, or can serve as translators.31However, zealously keep seeking the greater gifts.But now I’m going to show you something that’s even better.


    1If I could speak the languages of both men and angels but didn’t have love, I’d be the sound of [clanging] brass or of a clashing cymbal.2If I could prophesy, understand all the mysteries, had all knowledge and enough faith to move mountains, but didn’t have love, I’d be nothing at all.3And if I were to give everything that I own to feed the poor, or hand over my body so that I could boast... But didn’t have love, none of this would have any value.4However, love is patient and kind. It isn’t envious, it doesn’t brag, it isn’t conceited, 5it doesn’t act shamefully, it doesn’t watch out for just itself, it isn’t easily provoked to anger, it doesn’t like evil, 6and it doesn’t rejoice over unrighteous things, rather, it rejoices in truth.7It endures everything, believes everything, hopes everything, and carries everything…8Love never fails!But the [gift of] prophesying will be done away with, The [gift of] speaking [in foreign] languages will end, And the [gift of miraculous] knowledge will pass away...9Because we now have just a partial knowledge and we can only prophesy partially. 10However, when the perfect thing arrives, the partial thing will be done away with.11Back when I was a baby, I talked like a baby, thought like a baby, and reasoned like a baby. But now that I’ve become a [grown] man, I’m finished with baby’s things.12So the things we see here today are like looking into a metal mirror… However, then it’ll be face to face! And although I can only understand partially now… Then I’ll have a complete understanding and I’ll be completely understood!13And at that time, only these three things will remain: faith, hope, and love.And the greatest of them is love.


    1Therefore, we should [all be] pursuing love, as we also zealously seek the [gifts] of the Spirit… And I prefer that you prophesy.2For those who speak in tongues aren’t talking to men but to God, since nobody else is listening… So by the Spirit they’re speaking mysteries. 3On the other hand, those who prophesy are building up, encouraging, and bringing comfort to others.4So while the one who speaks in tongues builds himself up, the one who prophesies builds up [the whole] congregation.5While I would like all of you to [be able to] speak in tongues, I’d prefer that you prophesy, because the one who prophesies is greater than the one who speaks in tongues… Unless he can also translate, so the whole congregation can be built up.6Brothers, if I were to come to you right now and speak to you in a foreign tongue... What good would it do if I didn’t also speak to you with a revelation? Or with knowledge? Or with a prophecy? Or with something that I can teach you?7It’s the same as with inanimate things that make sounds, like flutes or harps. If you can’t distinguish the difference between the notes, how can you tell what’s being played? 8If a trumpet blows an unrecognizable signal, who’ll prepare for war?9So unless you use your tongues to say things that are easily understood, how will anyone know what you’re saying?You will, for a fact, just be speaking into the air!10There are many kinds of vocalizations in the world, and they all mean something. 11However, if I don’t understand the meaning of the sound, I’m a foreigner to the one who’s speaking, and the one who’s speaking will be a foreigner to me.12Therefore, if you have a zeal for the Spirit, use it in ways to build up the congregation, so that everyone can prosper… 13Let the one who speaks in tongues pray that he can also translate! 14For when I pray in a foreign language, although my spirit may be praying, my mind isn’t receiving any benefit.15Then, what should we do?If I pray by the Spirit, I’ll also pray in my mind. And if I sing praises by the Spirit, I’ll sing praises in my mind.16For if we’re only offering praise by the Spirit, how will any ordinary man who’s there and doesn’t understand us say, ‘May it be so,’ when we’re giving thanks? 17For even though it may be true that we’re giving thanks in a fine way, this person isn’t being built up.18I thank God that I can speak more languages than all of you.19However, I’d rather speak 5 words using my mind so that I can teach others when I’m in a congregation, than 10,000 words in a foreign language.20Brothers, don’t be like children when it comes to [using] the power of your minds… Be babies when it comes to badness, as you perfect your abilities to reason!21For it’s written in the Law:‘‘Even though I speak to these people in other tongues and with other lips... They still won’t listen to me,’ says Jehovah.’ [Isaiah 28:11-12]22Understand that speaking in a foreign tongue isn’t a sign to unbelievers, but to believers, while prophesying isn’t for believers, it’s for unbelievers. [see translator note]23[For example:] If the whole congregation is speaking in tongues when some ordinary person or unbeliever comes into your meeting place, won’t he just think you’re crazy?24However, if everyone is prophesying when an unbeliever or ordinary person enters, he’s corrected and judged by them all. 25Then, as the secrets in his heart are revealed, he will fall to his face before God and say:‘God is truly among you!’26Therefore, what should happen, brothers?When you’re meeting, one should have a psalm, another should have a teaching, another should have a revelation, and another should speak in a foreign language… That is, as long as someone else interprets it. Because, everything that’s done there should be for [the purpose of] building up!27So if some are speaking in tongues, limit it to two or three at the most, and do it in turns, and then have someone do the translating.28However, if no one can translate it, such people should be silent in the congregation, speaking just to themselves and to God.29Let two or three prophets speak instead, and allow the rest to judge the meaning of what they’re saying.30Then if someone else has a revelation while he’s sitting there, the first one should [yield to him]. 31This way, when each of them prophesy in turns, everyone can learn and be encouraged.32For the breaths of the prophets should be controlled by the prophets [themselves], 33because God doesn’t send us confusion, [He sends] peace, as in all the congregations of Holy Ones.34The women should remain silent in the congregation… They shouldn’t be allowed to speak out. Rather (as the Law says), they should be submissive. 35And if they wish to know something, let them ask their men [when they get] home; for it’s disgraceful for a woman to speak out in a congregation. [likely spurious]36Or [do you think that] the Word of God is coming from just you, and that you’re the only one who understands it?37Well, if someone thinks he’s a prophet and that he’s under the influence of [God’s] Spirit, then he should agree with these things that I’m writing to you, because these are the Lord’s commandments!38However, if there are those who choose to be ignorant, let them remain ignorant.39My brothers, keep on zealously seeking the [gift of] prophesying, but don’t forbid the speaking in tongues. 40Just make sure that everything is conducted in a tasteful and orderly way.


    1Now brothers, I want you to understand this about the good news that I preached to you (which you received, in which you’re standing, 2and through which you’re being saved):If you’re still holding onto this good news that I preached to you, your faith hasn’t been wasted. 3Because what I passed along to you was the first thing that I learned, that the Anointed One died for our sins (just as the Scriptures foretold), 4and he was buried and then raised on the third day 5when he appeared first to Cephas (Peter), then to the rest of the twelve.6After that, he appeared to more than 500 brothers at one time, most of whom are still alive today (although some have ‘fallen asleep’), 7and he appeared to James and to all the Apostles.8But lastly – like some miscarriage – he appeared to me… 9For I’m the least of the Apostles, and I’m unfit to even be called an Apostle, because I persecuted the Called Ones of God.10Yet, through the loving care of God, I am what I am. And the loving-care that He showed me hasn’t been wasted, because I’ve worked harder than all the rest… And not just for my own benefit, but because of God’s loving care that’s now in me.11However, whether it was from me or from some other source, we’ve all preached and you’ve believed.12Now, if we’re preaching that the Anointed One was raised from the dead, then, why are some of you saying that there’s no resurrection of the dead?13For if there was no resurrection of the dead, then the Anointed One couldn’t have been raised either!14And if the Anointed One hasn’t been raised, our preaching and our faith is all in vain!15Yes, we’ve proven to be false witnesses of God, because we’ve testified concerning God that He raised the Anointed One… Who couldn’t really have been raised at all, if the dead won’t be raised!16Indeed, if the dead won’t be raised, the Anointed One hasn’t been raised either!17And if the Anointed One hasn’t been raised, our faith is useless and we’re all still sinners.18Also, all those who’ve fallen asleep in the Anointed One are just gone!19Then if we’ve been putting our hope in the Anointed One when this life is all that there is, we’re the most pitiable of all men!20However, the Anointed One has been raised from the dead, and he’s the first fruit of those who have fallen asleep [in death].21For even though death came through a man, resurrection from the dead has also come through a man. 22And as all are dying because of Adam, all will be made alive in the Anointed One… 23But each one in his own order, [starting with] the first fruits of the Anointed One, followed by those who belong to the Anointed One when he arrives.24Then, in the end, after he’s brought all governments, authorities, and powers to nothing, he will hand over the Kingdom to his God and Father. 25For he must rule [as king] until he’s put all his enemies under his feet 26and the final enemy, the death, has been brought to an end.27Yes, he will indeed put everything under his feet!However, when it says that everything will be put under his feet, it’s evident that the exception is the One who put everything under him.28For after everything has been put under him, the Son will submit to the One who put everything under him, so that God can be everything to everyone.29Also, if none of the dead will be raised, then what will those who are immersed for the dead do? Yes, why are they immersed for the dead? [possible spurious text] 30why are we in danger all the time?31For I’m [close to] dying every day just to prove that you’re worthy of all my boasting about you… You whom I [call] my brothers through the Anointed Jesus our Lord.32And if the dead aren’t going to be raised, and if it was just as a man that I fought wild animals at Ephesus, what good did it do me?Why not rather say, ‘Let’s eat and drink, for tomorrow we’ll die’?33So, don’t allow [anyone] to mislead you about this… Remember:Evil communications corrupt good morals!’34Brothers, become more serious about your righteousness and stop sinning! For some [of you actually] know nothing at all about God… Yes, I’m saying this to embarrass you!35Because, some have been asking:‘Just how will the dead be raised… In what sort of bodies will they return?’36You foolish people! Those who plant seeds know that they can’t live unless they ‘die’ first. 37For whatever is planted isn’t the body that it’s going to become… It’s just a naked grain of wheat, or whatever.38So understand that God will give us any [type of] body that He wishes, just as He gives each seed its own body.39Realize that not all flesh is the same.There’s one type of flesh of men, another of cattle, another of birds, and another of fish. 40There are also heavenly bodies and earthly bodies… And the glory of heavenly bodies is different from that of earthly bodies. 41The glory of the sun is one type, the glory of the moon is another, and the glory of the stars is yet another.In fact, stars differ from other stars in their glory.42So, that’s how it’ll be with the resurrection of the dead:It’s planted in decay and then raised as clean. 43It’s planted without honor, and then raised in glory. It’s planted as weak, and then raised in power.44Therefore, what’s planted as the body of something that breathes will be raised as a spiritual body… As there’s a breather’s body, there’s also a spiritual [one].45It’s written that the first man (Adam) became a living soul.
    However, the last Adam became a life-giving spirit.
    46Thus the first [body] is human, not spiritual, for the spiritual one comes later.47Likewise, as the first man came from the dust of the ground and the second man came from the Lord of heaven, 48those who come from the dust are like the one who came from the dust, while those who are heavenly are like the heavenly one.49Therefore, as we’ve worn the shape of the one who was made from the dust of the ground, we’ll also wear the image of the Celestial One.50Let me tell you this, brothers:Flesh and blood can’t inherit God’s Kingdom, nor can [something] that’s corruptible inherit something that’s incorruptible.51Look, I’m going to explain a mystery to you:Not all of us will be laid to rest. Rather, we’ll be changed 52in a moment – in the twinkling of an eye – during the last trumpet! For the trumpet will be blown and the dead will be raised incorruptible… Yes, we’ll be changed.53Then that which is corruptible will put on incorruptibility, and that which is dying will put on immortality. 54But when that which is dying puts on immortality, the words that were written will be fulfilled:‘Death, which prevails, will be swallowed.’ [Isaiah 25:8]55So, where is your victory, O death… Yes, where is your sting, O death?56The sting that brings death is sin, and the power for sin comes from the Law. 57But thanks to God that each of us will see victory through our Lord Jesus the Anointed One!58Therefore, my beloved brothers:Become settled, immovable, and always have an abundance of the Lord’s work to do, knowing that with Jehovah, your hard work is never in vain.


    1Now, regarding the collection for the Holy Ones:I want you to do the same thing that I told the congregations in Galatia. 2On each Sabbath day, you should set something aside in your savings, since you’re prospering, so we won’t have to take up a collection after I arrive.3Then, when I get there, I'll send whichever men you choose to carry your kind gift to JeruSalem along with a letter. 4And if I’m found worthy to go myself, they can travel with me.5I’ll come to [visit] you after I go to Macedonia, because I have to travel through Macedonia. 6And if things turn out well, perhaps I can stay [with you] for a while, or even spend the winter with you. Then you can escort me part of the way to wherever I’ll be going [next].7I don’t want to see you as I’m passing through right now, because I hope to spend more time with you, if my Lord allows it. 8I’ll be staying in Ephesus until Pentecost, 9because a large door of opportunity has opened to me there. However, there are also many opposers.10When Timothy gets there, make sure that he has nothing to fear while he’s with you, because he’s doing the Lord’s work the same as I am.11Don’t allow anyone to treat him disrespectfully!Then escort him part of the way in peace so that he can come here to me, because I’m waiting for him with the brothers.12Now, regarding our brother Apollos:I begged him to come to you with the brothers, but he doesn’t want to do that right now. However, he’ll come when he has the opportunity.13So, stay awake, stand firm in the faith, carry on as men, and grow mighty. 14And may everything that you do be accomplished in love.15Now, I want to encourage you to do this, brothers:You know that the household of Stephanas is the first fruit of Achaia, and that they’ve been serving the needs of the Holy Ones. 16Follow the instructions of such people, and all of you should labor and work hard together.17I’m very grateful that Stephanas, Fortunatus, and AchaiKus are here, because they’ve made up for your not being here. 18Since they’re a breath of fresh air in my life and in yours, give special recognition to such men.19The congregations of [the Province of] Asia send you their greetings.Aquila, Priska, and the called ones in their home send you hearty greetings in the Lord. 20In fact, all the brothers send their greetings!So, greet each other with a holy kiss.21[Here are] my (Paul’s) greetings, written in my own hand.22May all those who don’t care for the Lord be cursed!Come, O Lord!23May the loving care of the Lord Jesus be with you, 24and may my love be with all of you, in the Anointed Jesus.



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